Some new paintings- just listed!

#vintageframes #vintagenautical #nauticalart #capecodhome #capecodlife #seascape #coastaldecor #coastalart #coastaldecor

Happy thanksgiving seafolks!

#vintagefigurine #seagulls #seafolk #vintagenautical

Trying out older paintings in vintage frames.

#frames #florentine #vintageframes #seagull #nautical #nauticalart #seascape

Whaling into Saturday ๐ŸŒŠ๐ŸŒŠ๐ŸŒŠ

#vintagenautical #whale #vintagehankies

Old photo I took on the Cape years ago. I bet itโ€™s demolished now!

#motels #vintagesigns #oldsigns #capecod #vintagehotels #photography

Run, rabbit run.
Dig that hole, forget the sun,
And when at last the work is done
Donโ€™t sit down itโ€™s time to dig another one.

#rabbit #pinkfloyd #snakes #vintagewalldecor #vintage #vintagebird #vintagetropical

I couldnโ€™t resist. Think heโ€™s worried about the bullโ€ฆ

#chalkware #vintage #vintagechalkware #matador #spain #kitsch #midcentury

Strange creatures wrestling their way into the world. Just listed these folksy fellersโ€ฆ snake SOLD

#festinalente #dolphin #anchor #florentine #vintageframes #snakepainting #fishpainting #fish #seacreatures #snakes #folkart #naiveart

Happy Halloween!

#sailor #ghouls #ghosts #ghost #vintage #folkart #vintagenautical

Seascape on rustic wood and framed miniature.

#seascape #whale #nauticaldecor #vintagenautical #vintageframes ##primitiveart

Nice vintage parrot wall pocket I picked up recently!

#vintage #vintagedecor #vintagetropical #tropical #parrot #palmtrees #tropicalart

Paired this seagull watercolor with my Yvonne Kehew Ptown fisherman painting! Think they go well together. Seagull painting is available.

#yvonnekehew #ptown #provincetown #seagulls #painting #vintagepainting #nauticaldecor #capecod #capecodhome

Chet heard the twins playing on the old grass courts again. It was after midnight, but they loved the dark and only played with the racquets Uncle Bic picked up after the war. Trouble was the twins died years back, but Chet guessed they were restless again. Had these up on the wall in an Airbnb I used to have, long gone.

#ghoststories #spaulding #vintagedecor #tennis #oldstuff #vintagehome

Happy Oct 1st, where ghouls may call, to no resolve, for we are the living, until our souls be giving โ€ฆ

#halloween #skulls #vintagephotography #oldphotos #snakes #deadsaillor #sailors #skeletons #paintedphotos

No, I didnโ€™t buy it.

#mug #vintagemugs #oldmugs #vintagestyle

Keep reframing this one, last time! Listed in the shop.

#seascape #vintageframes #oldframes #nauticaldecor #nautical_images #green #thesea #capecodimages

Alligator and sailor lived in a boat
sailor eyed him slyly - my what a coat!
I shall nab him towards midnight,
skin him quick, for alligators sleep light
night wore on, they drank much rum,
tattooed their arms with dear olโ€™ mum
sailor certainly tried, but only certainly died
Tis morn now and alligatorโ€™s a bloat
and all thatโ€™s left is sailorโ€™s pea coat

#sailors #carvedwood #vintage #vintagestyle #folkart #alligator #poetry #nonsenseverse #verse #poesy #vintagenautical #vintagefolkart

Lilโ€™ watercolor framed in a miniature brass frame. SOLD

#watercolors #sailboatpainting #sailboats #nauticaldecor #nauticalpainting #vintageframes #seascapes

Like this little nautical wall plaque. Iโ€™m not religious in the least bit, but the I like the sentiment.

#vintage #vintagewalldecor #vintagenautical #shipswheel #walldecor

Seascape in vintage metal frame.

#seascape #vintageframes #vintagenautical #seaside #nauticaldecor #capecodhome

Always liked this little tropical watercolor, but I ultimately destroyed it, thought it was too dark. Maybe Iโ€™ll pay my something similar!

#watercolor #tropicalart #palmtrees #hawaii #vintageframes #tropics #tropical

Found this bird painting and these two kitschy Florida chalkware wall pieces recently.

#kitsch #florida #chalkware #vintageart #vintagepainting #vintagebirds #vntagedecor

Hey there sailor, got a smoke? Itโ€™s for me and my bloke - yes, weโ€™re awfully broke! We sailed the seas for money, not so funny, lost it all to a whale with a mighty big tail, in a menacing gale, me bloke quite pale, but thatโ€™s another tale, ended up in jail, and now weโ€™re set to sail!

#sailor #paintedphoto #oldphotos #vintagephoto #vintagenautical #poems #nonsense

St Viniciuca, patron saint of vino and indiscretions. SOLD

#wine #saints #smoking #vintageframes #watercolor

House goals.

#lions #estates #stonestatue #antiquehome #staugustine #oldhouses #vintagehome

She heard the growl of the owl, and thought, how foul! But to her dismay, it was only the silly macrame. Funny little owl macrame. In the shop.

#macrame #vintagemacrame #owl #crafts #vintagewalldecor #wallhanging

Monkey see, Monkey do, Monkey married a green metal urn, theyโ€™re quite happy. Monkey listed in the shop.

#vintagevase #vintagemonkey #ceramicmonkey #vintageceramics #vintagedevor #vintageurn

Get back up on your pedestal, Harold! cried Agatha, and she picked him off the floor and promptly put him back. Itโ€™s the only way I can tolerate you. Just added these beautiful vintage (probably antique) ceramic pedestal stands to my shop.

#pedestal #vintagestyle #chinoiseriehome #chinoiserie #thai #vintageceramics #antiqueceramics

Olives reminded her of Carl. A little briny, a bit whiny, but certainly delicious. Olivey seascape in vintage frame.

#olives #seascape #vintageframes #cape_ink #vintagenautical #nauticaldecor

Deconstructed an old painting to make miniatures. Think I like them better! Available soon in my shop.

#miniaturepainting #smallpainting #seagull #seagulls #nautical #nautical #vintageframes

Somebody please buy Nanette, she deserves a good home.

#vintagepainting #vintagestyle #vintageart #midcentury

Visiting family in DC. Family tree my grandfather painted in the โ€˜40โ€™s. He added some whimsical characters for fun! I have a copy I plan on framing.

#familytree #family #mythicalbeasts #knights #vintagepainting

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